Achieve Your Personal Zen With Zendo is a cool Web2.0 tool on a mission to help students become more efficient learners. The creators of are students themselves–students who want to spend less time studying while still enabling themselves to know their material better. They know that good students want to commit the most essential information to long-term memory.

The creators are anxious to receive comments and suggestions from users. They have a quick two and a half minute video tutorial that easily explains how to use All you do is type your notes in outline form, and converts them to flash cards. Once you sign up, you simply open a folder, name your new directory, then name your file, and start typing. prompts you on the next step as you create your cards.

Once you finish a set of cards, you can go through your cards and test yourself, and gives you a grade based on your success. You can also edit and update your cards if needed.

The website includes a helpful forum that allows you to post suggestions and view the questions and feature suggestions of others. Unfortunately, the FAQ section is not yet operational. If you are a dedicated student looking for a new way to organize yourself, could be for you!

What’s Wordle? via Go!Animate and VodPod

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “What’s Wordle?“, posted with vodpod
Hooray again! I also made this Go!Animate video about Wordle earlier but again couldn’t get WordPress to cooperate. Sure the videos are only in tiny mode, but if you want to see them in full screen mode, go to Go!Animate by clicking on this link, and look for my account. You can also go to ScreenToaster to view the Xtranormal video. I want to marry VodPod now.

How to Make Xtranormal Videos via VodPod and ScreenToaster–Finally

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Hooray for VodPod! I had tried earlier during the school year to post this video on WordPress directly from ScreenToaster, with no success. ScreenToaster is awesome for creating screenshot videos, and WordPress has its own share of awesomeness, but WordPress and I never can seem to work out our differences on Shockwave/Flash issues. Finally it occurred to me to try VodPod, that I used to use all the time for posting videos with their cool Firefox “Post to WordPress” button. Well, no luck. But then I posted the video directly to VodPod. Then I posted from VodPod to WordPress. Sure it’s a 754-step process, but look how pretty it is! In case you have never seen my “How to Make Xtranormal Videos” video via ScreenToaster, here it is! Hooray for VodPod, ScreenToaster, Xtranormal, and a little bit for WordPress. And, oh, yeah, me!